All membership payments are online

  • Adult and Youth members can pay online 24/7 via Clubforce

Membership 2024-25

Membership is now due for everyone from Minis to Seniors and loyal club supporters.

  • Mini rugby player (U7-12, born 2013 to 2019): €100
  • Youth Academy player (U13-18.5, born 01/07/2006 to 01/01/2012): €140
  • Third level student player: €100
  • Adult Mens or Womens player: €130
  • Ordinary non-playing member: €100
  • Life member annual donation: €100

All new and existing members are requested by the board to review the Galwegians RFC Code of Conduct.

New Adult Members

All new adult members (not previously members of Galwegians RFC) requesting admission to join the club after August 1st 2018 will have their request considered by the board, and will be subject to ratification by the board at the next available board meeting. Once their application is approved, the new member will obtain full membership, and voting rights at any club EGM or AGM.

The board will also begin to enforce a clause from the club constitution to close membership to any new members for a fixed period prior to any EGM or AGM.