Health and Safety Statement
Our full Health and Safety Statement is available as a PDF. Click here to download.
Accident Report Form
The Accident, Incident and Near Miss Investigation Report Form is available as a PDF. Click here to download.
IRFU Injury Reporting
Coaches and Managers should use the IRFU Injury Reporting site to report:
- All concussions or suspected concussions that occur during rugby games or training
- Injuries that require the player to be transported to and/or treated in hospital
You do not need to report injuries that do not fulfil this requirement i.e. sprains and strains treated by the club physio/doctor etc.
Statement of General Policy
Galwegians RFC is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment that will protect the wellbeing of members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel, visitors, contractors, and any other personnel that may be present in our premises and surrounding area.
Specifically, we are committed to complying with all applicable Health & Safety legislation, including the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Regulations 2007. In addition, we will provide safe premises and equipment, as well as information, training and supervision as necessary to protect the health and well-being of personnel.
We realise that the most important element of any safety management programme is our members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel and therefore a positive attitude towards safety is a prerequisite for employment with our Club.
We will provide the necessary training and other resources to ensure that members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel have the knowledge and skills necessary to make them competent to perform their jobs in a safe manner. We are committed to the principle that all accidents are avoidable and resources will be provided in order to ensure that all the risks in the workplace are adequately addressed.
It is Club policy that safety is given priority over all other operations and if a job cannot be done safely then alternative means of doing the job in a safe manner will be employed.
We expect all members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel and all other personnel visiting our premises to co-operate fully in the implementation of this policy.
Members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel and others are encouraged to put forward suggestions for improvement to this statement.
This Safety Statement is available to our members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel, visitors and inspectors of the Health and Safety Authority. We will update it as necessary and it will be reviewed at least once a year.
Accident Procedure
- Introduction:
Club policy requires that all accidents are investigated so that the cause may be determined and re-occurrence prevented. - Definitions:
- Accident: An accident is defined as an unexpected happening that results in personnel injury.
- Incident: An incident is defined as an unexpected happening that results in damage to premises or equipment.
- Procedure:
- Because of the wide variety of accidents and injuries that may occur in the workplace it is not possible to give a hard and fast procedure to follow. However, the following guidelines should be taken into account when responding to accidents or injuries:
- General Guidelines.
- All members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel must report any accident which has occurred as soon as is practicable. This includes non-injury accidents.
- On receipt of the notification of an accident, the senior person will carry out an investigation and fill in the Accident, Incident Near Miss investigation report form.
- The investigation must take place as soon as possible after the accident has occurred.
- Members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel will be made aware of the accident investigation procedure and will give full co-operation.
- Members, patrons, employees, contracted and other personnel will not interfere with the scene of the accident unless it is necessary to prevent a secondary accident from occurring.
- For significant injury, it is recommended that the injured person seek medical attention.
- If there is any possibility of spinal injury then do not move the injured person.
- If an accident results in an employee being absent from work for more than three working days, then it is classified as a Lost Time Accident and the Health and Safety Authority must be informed.
- Complete the attached Accident Investigation form.