Galwegians RFC membership procedures have been updated to reflect GDPR regulations, and from member inputs at the club AGM last May.

For the coming season, all memberships will now have to be paid online. A link to the membership tariffs is available on the Membership section on our website. This page also contains a link to the payment system.

All new adult members (not previously members of Galwegians RFC) requesting admission to join the club after August 1st 2018 will have their request considered by the Board of Management, and will be subject to ratification by the Board at the next available Board meeting. Once their application is approved, the new member will obtain full membership, and voting rights at any club EGM or AGM.

The Board of Management will also begin to enforce a clause from the club constitution to close membership to any new members for a fixed period prior to any EGM or AGM.

All new and existing members are requested by the Board of Management to review the Galwegians RFC Code of Conduct.

Life Members are again being asked by the Board of Management to consider paying the equivalent of an ordinary sub to help the club deal with our current financial plight.